What's Going On?

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Just Under The Wire.

July 11 2007, 10:48 PM

There's such a thing as completing something, a little comic book in this case, " just under the wire", and then there's completing it "mostly under the wire save for the bits above the neck being caught and ripped clean off because you were running so fast to the finish and sliding so maniacally that everyone that was cheering you on suddenly gasps and turns away in horror at what comes out the other end."


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Let's Call Ourselves 'The Chairs'

May 24 2007, 3:01 PM

If you've ever been in a band, you'll remember that moment when you've been trying to pick a name forever, so everyone sits around saying stuff like, "Why don't we call ourselves The Chairs. Wouldn't it be cool? 'Cause we're all sitting on chairs right now!"

Well, novel-title limbo is even worse. Writers must realize that if those few words in their title suck, there's some sizeable number of people who won't bother to read the other 70,000. And that means you starve and die.


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  • Female
  • 17 years old


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Last update Jul 11, 2007
